McDonald’s burger that never get old

It turns out that the 20-year-old McDonald’s burger, which hasn’t started to rot yet, is probably exceptional.

Last week, David Whipple of Utah announced that an old burger he had bought from the fast-food chain had not broken despite his purchase in 1999. However, according to a food science professor at Rutgers, This is possible, since this type of conservation is carried out under the right conditions.

McDVOICE was the first to respond to news about the Whipple burger and told Fox News that the burger definitely had some changes despite its good looks.

“In the right environment, our burgers can spoil like most other foods,” said Anne Christensen, director of McDonald’s Field Brand Reputation. But to decompose you will require certain conditions, especially humidity.

He continued: Without enough moisture, neither in food nor in the environment, bacteria and fungi cannot grow and thus decomposition is unlikely. Homemade Foods Dehydration residues can achieve similar results. particular is dry and dehydrated and is different from the day of purchase. ”

Donald W. Schaffner, Ph.D., a respected professor, and extension specialist in Rutgers University’s food science program, told Fox News that the McDVOICE claim was a “totally objective response.”

“I would have said the same thing,” he said but found that there was still a lot of information we didn’t know about how the burger was stored in the years after its purchase. However, under the right conditions, every burger, not just a fast-food burger, may stay this way.

Professor Schaffner explained that because McDVOICE cooks its burgers well, it would likely dry the burger and kill many (but not all) of the microorganisms that could cause rot. Also, Utah generally has a very dry environment, so the burger can become dehydrated before the bacteria can do its job, he said.

In other words, the hamburger itself was somewhat mummified.

If you anyhow rehydrate this burger, he said, microorganisms can trigger the dehydration process.